Friday, February 17, 2012

Character Sketch - The Sister II

As early stage sketched a Sister for a female character, now this sister is the one for the male character. Of cause both of "sisters" are good friend as well.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Justin Phua - Solo Performance

Equipment used:
Sony HDR-FX7;
Panasonic HDC-HS300

An event organised by a brunch of friends for Justin Phua to performed a live singing mini concert at Wings cafe, Setapak , KL, Malaysia.

Collaborating with one of Videographer from studiov9. He act as main Videographer for recorded the event by SONY HDR-FX7 and I was second camera unit.

The whole editing was edited by me and used Adobe Premiere Pro. Original total length was 41min and I uploaded 11min version.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Character Sketch - The Scientist

As same meaning from the title, her character setup was the "researcher" who thinking and act always are rational, and too scientific...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Character Sketch - The Beauty

This character consider as "repeated" with "The Pretty" , but since the sketch and background story also have developed, just share it out. Is that any big different between them?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Character Sketch - The Sister I

Every story those pretty girl always has a sister who are same level with her as well. She is one of female main character sister.... upgraded to "main character" as well!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

ABPS PTP Away Day -- Kitchen Wars

ABPS PTP Away Day -- Kitchen Wars

Equipment used: Panasonic HDC-HS300; KATA CRC-17 Compact Rain Cover H
Organized by : IsMe Entertainment

An event organized by IsMe Entertainment (Event company) for company group team building. I did the full day recording for this event and edited into 30min short video for the event company as portfolio. Here I re-edit it into 3min short clip.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Character Sketch - The Craziest

She might not a normal human.... might been an alien from outer space...